1970 Royales

1970 Royales Officers & Directors
Director.................................Fred Wolf, Jr.
Assistant Director ......................Susuma Oka
Assistant Director.......................Al Stout
Director "B" Corps.......................Al Stout
Business Manager.........................Bill Hansen
Coordinator..............................Don Venberg
Wardrobe Mistress........................Lorraine Hinkledire
Wardrobe Mistress........................Marie Wolf
Transportation Director..................Joe Trifari
Fund Raising.............................Edna Lehman
President................................Mike Petrone
1st Vice President.......................George Buntin
2nd Vice President.......................Al Stout
Secretary................................Marie Wolf
Treasurer................................Kay Compton
Marching & Maneuvering...................Michael Petrone
Horns and Drums..........................Dave Reuter
Horns and Drums..........................Fred Wolf III
Asst. Horns & Drums......................Bob Johns
Color Guard..............................Hank Voss
"B" Guard................................Cliff Fitzgerald
"B" Drums................................Robert Wolf
"B" Horns................................Al Stout
CORPS MEMBERS: (as of March 14, 1970)
Drum Major Drum Majorette
Dale Bennett Patty Bryant
Lorie Babson John Francese Leland Lundervold
Don Bennett Larry Francese Keith Moffett
Steve Brand Carl Fritsche Louis Morris
Carl Bullock Bob Hansen Dan O'Donnell
Chuck Buntin Sue Hansen David O'Donnell
Fran Buntin Debbie Horton Rusty Russell
Benny Compton Ed Hughes Debbie Stout
Ken Compton Mike Hughes Glenn Stout
Mike Compton Phyllis Jackson Richard Stout
David Derbl Lois Kozusko Robert Stout
John Egan Doug Lambert Steve Tier
Karen Farrah Ken Lambert Ricky Tromboli
Don Francese Marcie Lehmann Laurel Venberg
Jerry Francese
Darnell Brown Tom Koch Robert Riley
Mark Buntin Richard Lehmann Quenston Staten
Paul DeCaprio Bill Morris Doug Stone
Hilton Gratz Fred Oltarzewski Guy Stone
Keith Hubbard Bob Riley Robert Watkins
Thadeus Hubbard Mike Riley Ed Wolf
Sheila Murphy (deceased) Sue Oka
Janice Akers Jackie Conover Colleen Manning
Candi Alcrim Jackie Egan Sonja Phillips
Randi Alcrim Valerie Gratz Sandy Stone
Sandi Alcrim Heide Havice Denise Trifari
Louise Brand Debbie Hinkledire Debbie West
Sylvia Brown Michelle Layne Debbie White
Narda Carroll Terri Lane
Myron Blueford Jim Goeloe Tim Nolan
Barry Bottini Don Hill Jerry Staten
Richard Bowen Chris Lehmann
David Bell Rich Kulpa Peter O'Donnell
Kim Betts Larry Lundervold Bill Stegner
Ted Bullock Tom Mansfield Joe Stegner
Mike DeCaprio Rita McLeod Marie Weaver
Debbie Ferrugia
Debbie Bowen Cheryl Hubbard Michelle Marz
Brunell Brown Laura Johnson Margie Parmiter
Shirley Hanley Noreen Manning Michelle Rockhill

Royales Undefeated in Winter Standstill Contests
In 1969, the Royales were a constant second place runner-up in the winter
standstill ensemble contests. They were always trying to catch up to the
chapter champions. The Royales finally tied the leaders in musical ability
at the last show of the season on May 17th. In 1970, The Royales, more
experienced and much improved, began the new season with an upset victory
over the 1969 chapter champions, The Manville Crusaders of Manville NJ, and
the all chapter champions, the Earls of Buck from Bucks County, Pa. The
contest was held in Woodbridge High School sponsored by The Blue Angels of Iselin.
Drum Major Dale Bennett took best drum major of the show and Robert Watkins,
rudimental bass player, won the annual memorial trophy for the second time in
a row.
This show was a sign of things to come, as the Royales continued the season
by taking first place in every single competition of the indoor season. Also,
Drum Major Dale Bennet took the first place trophy for best drum major in show
in EVERY contest that a trophy of this type was awarded. A special tribute
has to be given to the Royales' instructors, Dave Reuter and Fred Wolf III.
Cost of Running a Corps in 1970
Instructors..........................$128.00 a month
Bus Liability Insurance..............$482.00 a year
Total transportation costs.........$3,000.00 a year
New Uniforms...................... $5,000.00 plus
Total annual operating expenses...$18,500.00 a year
The Eatontown Recreation Commission provided the instructors' fees, corps
member liability insurance and Eatontown school facilities for practices,
(custodian fees). The Eatontown Borough Council provided most of the funds
to buy new uniforms. The Corps itself paid for instruments, instructors, all
transportation costs and all other misc. expenses. During 1970, the Royales
also signed a one year sponsor contract with Oakhurst VFW Post 2226. The Long
Branch Exchange Club donated a portion of the proceeds from a circus
that they held at Monmouth Mall (then the Monmouth Shopping Center).
Second Annual Home Show
The Royales held their second annual Drum Corps and Color Guard contest
at Monmouth Regional High School on Saturday evening, March 14.
The show was dedicated to Shiela Mae Murphy, our beloved Color Guard Captain,
who passed away January 15, 1970.
units competed for trophies under separate divisions of Color Guard, Ensemble,
(maximum 20 playing members) and Full Corps. One corps from Oceanside, L.I.
NY travelled over 120 miles to our show. (It took them 3 hours) The Lakers
from Greenwood Lake, NY also travelled over 100 miles.
An annual memorial trophy in memory of Sheila Murphy was awarded to the best
Color Guard Captain.
The beginning of the show was marked by a rousing exhibition by the Royales
beginners group. Though small in stature, they showed that they are fast
becoming a talented group of their own. Spontaneous applause was given the
group for their rendition of "When the Saints Go Marching In."
The highlight of the show was the exhibition by the Royales, resplendent in new
uniforms. A rousing ovation by the "standing room only" crowd was given the Royales
as they faultlessly played selections of; The Triumphal March, Born Free, Exodus
and Love Me Forever.
Royales Join Competitive Circuit
In 1970, the Royales joined the Garden State marching and maneuvering circuit.
and marched throughout NJ and NY including the American Legion States Convention
Competition and the VFW States Convention Contest.
1970 was also the first year that the Royales traveled to Lynn, Massachusetts
to compete in the famous "World Open" Drum & Bugle Coprs contest. We left on
August 20th and returned on August 23rd.
Dave Reuter Transferred Overseas
The Royales lost one of their best instructors, David Reuter, who taught horns
and drums since the inception of the corps. He was stationed at Fort Monmouth
but got orders to ship overseas for the U.S. Army.
Efforts were made with Congressman James Howard to keep Dave at Fort Monmouth but
the Army said no.
Royales Receive Thanks From President Nixon
In 1970, President Richard Nixon sent his thanks to the Royales for our participation
in his campaign rally at Monmouth Shopping Center in October of 1978.
Royales Win Best Rifle Trophy at Championship Show!
April 11, 1970 - The Royales Rifle line, under the leadership of Rifle
Captain, Jackie Egan, took the Best Rifle Line award at the Chapter III Championships
dispite a rather lack-luster 6th place overall color guard score. The working rifle
line consisted of Jackie Egan, Narda Carroll, Lou Anne Brand, Sylvia Brown
and Sandy Alcrim. The Rifles in the American Flag Section were Randi Alcrim
and Noreen (Noni) Manning.
Royales Take 3rd Place At Their First World Open
The Royales took third place in Class B Finals of the World Open Championships
Contest held in Manning Bowl, Lynn, Mass.
A total of 103 members (including adults) left Eatontown Boro Hall Wednesday
night and stayed at the Happy Valley Country Club in Lynn. Thursday evening
we participated in a huge parade, viewed by over 75,000 spectators, including
about 35 Drum and Bugle Corps.
In the preliminaries, we competed against 24 other corps from throughout the
United States and Canada, gaining a third place with a score of 62.55 and the
right to compete in the finals. Only the top five corps were allowed to compete
in the finals.
We returned to Eatontown on Sunday evening and, upon arriving at the boundaries of
Eatontown, we were greeted by Mayor Werner and a police escort to boro hall
where over 200 people were on hand to welcome us. We performed an enthusiastic
exhibition for the crowd of wellwishers.
In early October, Eatontown celebrated "Royales Day" in honor of this
accomplishment. The event was staged at Ira Wolcott Playground.
As part of the celebration, we put an a full uniform exhibition for the

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